Words cannot express how much I love this TikTok of stacey abrams visiting Target.

I feel most US politics to be low bar disinformation campaigns, both sides.

Literally all I do here is focus on:

  • their platform and what they represent

  • their values and what we can hold them up to

  • their reforms or programs that will impact me and my community

When it becomes provincial/national, very similar except that my scope expands to things like:

  • reforms and changes in industry

  • healthcare changes (we have universal healthcare here, so both sides know to have good incentives within their platform)

  • public employment, services and their funding

I also have a vested interest in public education and progressive and inclusive programs that are funded by the government. I don't like seeing my public money being wasted on shit tier grants for projects that don't drive anything for our kids.

That's it. That's what I go for, so I don't often get carried into anything political until it impacts my community or my job, my family life.

/r/TikTokCringe Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it