I work at a mental health hospital, and our records have some disturbing stories.

Ok so I know this is just a story and obviously made up but there are so many reasons that most of the shit in this story that is so obviously made up its driving me crazy.

Admittedly I didn't read the whole thing

  • patient notes would not be in an administrative setting. They'd be in a separate locked area.

  • a "guard" (not what they are called) who would go against a direct order to restrain a patient would be fired so unbelievably quickly.

  • a death in a hospital that occurred from accident suicide or murder would cause such a shit storm the whole place would be shook down

  • official report about anything, let alone a death would never have a person saying the shit you claimed the guard said. Saying shit like "ya" instead of you would be so inappropriate on a legal official document would never even in the shadiest of hospitals be allowed to make it on a document like that

  • a suicidal or violent patient would never be able to get ahold of a "4 pound anything". There would be no doll house in a hospital like that. They take fucking staples out of magazines and take people's shoe laces at low security hospitals, at hospitals with known murders there is literally nothing that's not bolted down to floor or wall.

  • patients are searched so thoroughly after using utensils ( if they are even allowed) there'd be no way they could smuggle them

  • they are watched very closely as they eat so their is no way they'd be able to take a utensil anyways. They are very carefully handed out and must be signed back in when finished being used by an employee

  • a violent and suicidal patient who is known to have committed a murder would be on what they call a 1 on 1, which is a federal law that states people who admit to past recent violence, thoughts of murder or violent and suicidal thoughts must be within an employees arms length at all times, even during sleep, shower and taking a shit

I know this is fiction but cmon man do a little research

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