The worst part about being a FA is the inability to find or maintain a job...

Let me try to change your perspective here:

Work is my escape. My personal life sucks, and I'm trying to work on that, but I go to work and I know I am good at what I do so that makes me feel better about myself. People appreciate the work I do, my team appreciates me sticking my neck out for them, and it challenges me in ways that my personal life is currently failing to just due to lack of external stimuli.

Not only that, but work is where I do 98% of my socializing. It's better than nothing, and I'm also learning corporate politics along the way. This alone has made me better at interviewing and now I'm on track to get a better position with a decent bump in salary so I can finally start to make a nice paycheck for my age while the one or two friends that I do still have from high school struggle to escape retail post-graduation from college (I only have my associate's).

I've been paying rent since I was 18 so I had to force it into my head that if I don't work I'm out on the street. I have compartmentalized myself mentally to allow my "depression" time to be on weekends - those are the days I'm glued to my bed or my couch and don't do anything. Life is tough, but failure for me has never been an option.

/r/ForeverAlone Thread