Would you have sex with a trans woman if you didn’t find out until you both were in bed?

This is not going to be the most politically correct response I ever gave, but high chance I won’t. I wouldn’t mind sleeping with a trans person, in fact I got close to a couple times but covid stuff. For me, I need to know what I’m getting into, is there going to be a penis or a vagina. I’m of the opinion that I need to know beforehand and if they don’t feel comfortable enough disclosing that to me before we get hot and heavy and go to bed then I don’t feel comfortable enough with them to sleep with them. I think if they felt comfortable enough to sleep with me then they should be comfortable enough to tell me that they are trans before we take our pants off to get me comfortable enough to sleep with them. This is even more true if I was trying to be in a relationship with them rather than just sleep with them.

/r/AskRedditAfterDark Thread