Wouldn't it make more sense for Ultimates to be a separate mode, like PvP?

Literally nothing you just said is correct.

You can't get BIS from just the dungeon for TEA and, while you can go for BIS, a lot of people I've met just go in with having their savage gear synced.

Your Kit and tools change based on which ultimate you go into. You may know what the tools are, but how they need to be used, or their usefulness in general, can drastically change, especially in UCOB and UWU.

UCOB, UWU, and to a smaller extent TEA have ALL changed between their iteration and now. Some checks are easier. Some are harder. Some CD rotations need to be changed. Some mechanics need entirely different approach. That's all happened because the devs HAVE NOT touched any of the 3 since release.

You are suggesting stuff for content you neither understand or have done. Please stop being the Reddit average user stereotype.

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