What would you personally like to see added to some of the jobs in the future?

Not really. The idea is that the Garlean techniques using Ceruleum weaponry are completely separate from the principles of Aether. The idea being that you can't use the Paladin sword techniques with your gunblade for the same thing--the weapons and methods are just too different even if the weapons are superficially similar.

Gunbreaker Gunblades function like Squall/Seifer where they're using the Aether charge in the cartridges to enhance the blade strike itself or affect the area immediately around it. Even Lightning Shot isn't firing a bullet, it's more about enhancing and throwing a ball of sparks from scraping the blade along the ground. Garlean Gunswords function like an actual gun taped to a sword. One is designed to magically enhance itself, the other is designed to fire an actual bullet. Using the Gunblade to just "fire a bullet" outside the blade is explicitly where the GNB cooldowns come from, the idea being that "firing the charge" disperses it into a protective shell. You can see it with the Superbolide, Heart of Stone, and LB3 animations.

As far as skills we haven't seen on GNB so far, we're only really missing Seifer's FF8 Bloodfest. The Continuation combo is kind of a mix of Squall's multi-hit LBs.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if we see the Continuation combo take some elements from Lightning's Army of One special attack as a trait upgrade.

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