What is your reason for chasing a BiS set each savage tier?

It's not so much that I feel like I need a new static. I've been with my static for years now. We're friends and vibe well with each other. I would honestly miss the fun we have raiding 2 days a week together.

It's more that... in our static... we de-prioritize healers and tanks for gear. It's always been DPS > Tanks > Healers. Why? Our healers and tanks are kinda broken, masochistic machines who can clear for weeks and weeks on end with little to no raid gear (just periodic non-augmented tome gear). We rarely ever fail heal checks once we understand the mechs and our tanks... are just really good. That said, to kill faster and never miss a DPS check we prio the DPS players over everyone else.

But... our DPS players don't always care to bother parsing while our healers (and sometimes our tanks) usually do. Since DPS are getting the gear, their numbers start looking good faster, while our supports tend to lag behind as they go weeks and weeks without getting anything at all from raid, making their numbers seem bad. They will get purples pretty quick, but they plateau pretty fast and it feels pretty frustrating.

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