Wouldn't surprise me

Death is a hard thing for people to wrap their heads around, what's the point of getting upset over someone saying something that is meant to be comforting in a sad time. You may not agree, but to pretend you know for certain is just as BS as devout faith in god imo.

Sincerely, fuck you.

When my sweety perished and the death was a hard thing for me to wrap my head around, people telling me my sweety was "in a better place" just sank me further into my growing pit of existential dysphoria. Did I bark and scream at these kind words? No. I said, "thank you."

To put it to you in your own words, you may not agree, but to pretend you know for certain that these 'kind words' don't fucking hurt is the worst bullshit.

/r/Funnymemes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it