[WP] An elderly vegetarian woman wants to taste meat for the first and last time of her life and thus decides to go around the world in search of the best possible meat and cook.

Lady Geniveveve Vanellope McVonVanderbooben had decided in her youth to become a vegetarian. She liked to rebel against her prestigious name and so did many things that were not very lady-like; in time she learned of the poor treatment of animals and decided that she would never once eat meat of any kind. After her self-promise days passed, then weeks, months, years, decades and finally, Geniveveve found herself aged 117. As with many old people, Geniveveve had many health issues, despite her great wealth she was bound to die within the coming winter. This saddened her deeply as she sat, widowed (her husband died many years before and her children moved out a long, long time ago) she thought of her life. She decided she had done well; she was the first ever woman to vote in 1918, she ate a big block of cheese that one time, she saw the invention of the automobile, the rise of the internet and watched as Miley Cyrus got a haircut and twerked herself into stardom. Yes, she had led quite the life but still, she thought, what might meat taste like? Would it taste like carrot? What about caviare? Pancakes? No, perhaps it would taste entirely new. Genieveve decided then and there to break her promise to her former self, after all she had kept it for quite a long time and she decided that her first (and most likely last) time she would eat meat, he would do it right. And so she hoped on trivago, found a hotel in India and was off. She travelled far and wide and met many wonderful people. She decided that she would only eat meat if it was the best in the world. Finally after months of search she found it, in a small town in Scotland. The chef there prepared it for her and as she put the fork into the beef, dipped it in gravy, the smell enveloped her senses. Yes, this was quite new,the fork grew ever closer to her lips... still closer... even closer yet... and then... she farted and died.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread