[WP]: As the crown is lowered upon your head, you grumble in dismay. You didn't want this. You wanted to catch fish.

"And with this crown I proclaim you 'King of Carp Pond'" said a rather fat frog called Kroak. I eyed him warily. I confess that I even considered eating him, but frogs had never really appealed to me. Too slimy for my tastes. I have a cousin, a Chartreux, who would have considered him a delicacy. But no, not for me. Besides, I was still full from the raven.

"Yes," I hissed "Get on with it."

Kroak leapt up with the twig crown between his fat arms and landed on my back. A vile smell permeated the air and wafted unwanted into my nostrils. My whiskers flicked involuntarily; for a creature that spends so much time in ponds and rivers, Kroak stank. I wouldn't be surprised if his real home was a sewage puddle.

I wouldn't have allowed this sham of a ceremony at all if it wasn't for a singular benefit that 'King of Carp Pond' brought with it. Fish. Carp, more precisely. They promised me as much carp as I could eat. Any time of the day or night. This was too good an opportunity to pass - carp were tricky fish to catch, living as they do so far below the surface. And I do so hate getting my fur wet. Who would have thought chasing a bird would bring such benefits?

Kroak placed the 'crown' onto my head. It was tiny and didn't go with my silver collar at all. Mr Snuggles next door would have a field day if he saw me wearing it. I would have to hide it when I wasn't near the pond.

A roar erupted from the surrounding frogs. Two smaller frogs came forward with a lily in their hands and began wafting it towards me. The cool air combined with the hot midday sun shining down on my back, made me feel rather tired. I stretched my mouth wide as I took in a tremendous yawn. The two frogs backed off slightly, likely at the sight of my fearsome fangs. I lay down on my belly, paws under my head and drifted off.

I was woken by loud ribbeting and high pitched screams. Kroak was in front of me, frantically leaping up and down. "King Whispurr! King Whispurr! You must save your people!"

I opened my eyes and pawed him away from me. "Later, Kroak. Your King needs his rest right now." I tried to shut my eyes again but he leapt in front of me again! I unsheathed my claws and hissed at him. "Did you not hear your King?" I said softly, dangerously. I heard Kroak gulp.

"But King. The great Eagle is here. He is hunting down the frog people. Please King, we need you."

Now I am not a scaredy-cat by any means. But an eagle is far bigger and far more dangerous than a raven. I thought of the fat, juicy carp - then I thought of the huge talons on the fearsome beast.

I removed my crown and threw it towards Kroak. "Best of luck!" I cried as I tactically retreated back to the Smith's home and in through the safety of the cat-flap.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread