[WP] Describe an abusive relationship from the perspective of the abuser.

"I often get asked why I did what I did, and for the longest time I had no idea how to answer the question. The truth is, I'm not a psychopath like how the newspapers tried to paint me out to be. I'm just a human being. A human being who reached his breaking point."

"I had lost my job, my wife wanted us to go on food stamps. Do you know what it's like when you can't even support your family? Do you know how humiliating it is when your daughter comes up to you and asks when are we going to have a real meal for dinner?"

"That's when I started to drink. The liquor helped me forget my worries, but only for a moment. It's like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. God, that's all I did was drink. My wife was so caring and loving, she did her best to try to help me through it. But I was a weak."

"So I continued to drink, and my wife started to lose sympathy for me. She wanted me to stop drinking and to find a real job. But I just couldn't. It was too easy to hide in the bottle."

"She started to fight with me and it just made me so mad. I had never hit a woman in my life but she just made me so angry that night; I just couldn't control myself. I pushed her to the floor and starting beating her, god forgive me. I was just so furious."

"She was crying, you know, begging me to stop. But o was so drunk that I was barely aware of what was going on. I beat her until she was stopped crying and she laid on the floor, unconscious. All I wanted her to do was stop pestering me"

"I could hear my daughter crying, cowering in the corner. I yelled at her to stop, but she wouldn't, you see. I went into our bedroom and pulled out the 9 millimeter I keep locked away. I pointed it at her and told her to shutup, but she just started screaming louder."

"That's when I pulled the trigger; three times I will never forget it. I freed her from living in this burdensome life. I carried my wife's beaten body and laid her on our bed. Her face looked horrible, it was smashed in and bloody. I had to end it right then."

"I was sobbing and my hands were shaking, but I still managed to put the gun to her head. I whispered "I love you" before pulling the trigger. She was finally free."

"I laid in the bed next to her for a few minutes, holding her bloody body close to me. I put the gun to my head, but before I could even pull the trigger 2 cops rushed into the room and grabbed me and pulled me away from wife."

"I don't blame anybody for my actions, and lord knows I deserve what is coming to me. I am a man; a broken man, but a man nonetheless. I am not asking for forgiveness, I just wanted to explain that this could happen to anybody."

"It takes a lot to break a man, but when he breaks you better hope you are nowhere near him. I am do very sorry for what I did, and if I could do it over again than I would in a heartbeat. These are my final words."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread