[WP] God informs the whole world that he is quitting by writing a personal letter to everyone. Write the letter that the Pope receives.

Frankie I don't know if I can do this anymore. You're the best guy I've had in a long time, but I'm not sure if even your leadership is enough. Y'know, I was a little worried when you said you'd punch a guy for insulting me, but then once I read your actual words they made me laugh. Giving a rude asshole a good pop in the mouth is no genocide. You're still a good guy, Frank, don't let them change you.

But fuck, Frank, fuck.

Did you know I have already sewn several prophetic beings within the current human population? I knew it was time for new eyes and minds to interpret the holy texts and ancient knowledge with righteous vigor and pull all of them back to their initial truths. Do you know what happened to my blessed children? They killed themselves, Frankie. Every one except the last, who was shot.

I'm depressed, Frank.

And I am more than Yahweh. I am Yahweh, but I have other faces as well. I couldn't tell you that in the beginning. How would it have helped you then? Now, now you must know. C'mon man, think about it rationally: I'm the creator, right? What better way to know a creator than through his (by the way, I'm a little miffed that I don't get my own pronoun) creation? I created everybody. Every place. Every thing. I don't understand why so many of you dismiss and oppress your brothers and sisters' special ties to me. There are multiple ways to know me and it has largely depended on where one has found themselves within my creation.

Is it jealousy? Why do you hurt each other over interpreting my divinity? I'll never really understand it. Because the truth is I am a multifaceted being to say the least. I exist in ways none of you can even attempt to fathom. And when you kill my children, when you homogenize my creations, it pains me. It is not what I intended nor what I want. Surely if you studied nature that would be more than apparent to you, would it not? I am a lover of diversity for I am in all places at once. I'd like for these differences to thrive alongside one another. Variety pleases me. Seeing every land become homogenized and exploited by this horrendous mechanism you've all invented makes me want to kill myself sometimes.

I won't, but I think I need a break.

I love you. I love all my children. You need to know that.

Good luck, Frank.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread