[WP] As a joke, you scream 'HELP!' in your head as loud as you can while in a crowded area to catch out any unsuspecting psychics. Everyone in the vicinity turns to look at you.

Being the always curious person I was, I decided to fish out any psychic's in the mall by faking a mental panic attack... "Help!" I screamed internally. Everyone nearby stopped instantly and turned towards me.

"Oh, shit..." I breathed out quietly. Looking around, I try to act as if it wasn't me. "They know what they heard..." I panicked "...are they ALL psychic or-" I pondered "am I the psychic one?!"

"What was that?" "Who is screaming?" "How did I hear that in my head?" The questions started, but no one was talking. A flood of other's thought streams began flowing into my head.

"What have I done?" I thought, not sure whether I was projecting my thoughts on others or not. My head began hurting as I tried to control the tidal wave of speech that coarsed through my mind. I fell to my knees holding my head and the gritty, filthy tile floor is the last thing I remember seeing before blacking out.

I wake up to a bright light, surrounded by men in masks. Some in doctors coats, and others with suits.

"We've been waiting for someone like you." A man in a suit says.. at this point I start feeling a pinching in the back of my head, which seems to be held down by a heavy, helmet like object.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask, trying to make sense out of what has happened. "What the hell is going on?" I shoot my eyes around the room in an attempt to catch my bearings. At this point I realize I can't hear other's thoughts anymore.

"Somehow, in that mall, you unlocked the part of your brain that can read minds & share your thoughts with others. What's on your head is an inhibitor, that is going to keep you from going insane." The man in the suit who spoke before, walks across the room to what I percieve to be a switch. He reaches out and flicks it, suddenly the flood gates open, and I can hear the others in the room thoughts before they speak, and even some they don't share.

"What are you going to do with me?" I ask shakily

"You could say you just landed the job of a lifetime." The other suited man says, my eyes shift to him, still groggy from the blackout. "You will be contained in a government facility, and be our interrogation officer for high profile suspects."

I let out a sorrowful sigh "And what if I refuse?"

"Then we'll have to put you in a box forever, or kill you." Spoke the first man "Your public display in the mall, painted a target on your head. If you were put in the wrong hands, everything we have worked to hide could be in danger."

I nodded "Fine..." I started "will I be able to see my family?"

"News reports say you died of an anyeurism..." I feel the anger rising in my chest "...a lookalike has been placed in the morgue for your funeral." I can't believe what I'm hearing, I scream obsenities and anger in an out of control rage. As I am losing my shit, strapped on the table, I notice the doctors, and suited men grabbing their heads. Uncontrollably, I can feel my brain attacking their minds.

"No, stop!" I scream to no one in particular. Almost simultaneously, the whole group falls to the ground, the stench of blood leaking from their ears fills the air.

I begin laughing uncontrollably. "So this is how I die?!" I ask no one. "Alone here, not even sure where I am?" My laughter turns to tears, that will stay dried on my cheek until someone finds my our bodies in a few weeks.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread