[WP] Just tell me a normal story. A normal human on normal earth doing normal things. But throw in a big fucking real dragon in there somewhere.

The day started off slow, as always. Anthony got up out of bed, throwing on his slippers so the cold, hardwood floor wouldn't wake him up too suddenly. He shuffled out the door of his bedroom and through the hallway to the bathroom, making sure to keep the lights off.

After emptying his bladder he headed back to his room and resisted the urge to hop back into bed. He had work today.

Anthony opened up his closet and spent a good five minutes deciding on what colour of dress shirt to wear today. The blue was nice, but perhaps just a simple white shirt would bring out his tie better? He decided to play it safe and quickly got dressed, making sure his shirt was crease free.

After getting dressed he walked downstairs to the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cheerios. Just plain cheerios; his younger sister had forced him to try the honey ones once, but they were simply too sweet for him.

After drinking the milk from the bottom of the bowl he headed out the door and drove to work.

Work was quite boring that day, like it always was. Being an accountant wasn't the most exciting job, after all. But when Anthony got home, he got all the excitement he could ever need.

There was a dragon on top of his house. A giant, green scaly dragon, and it looked to be breathing fire!

"What the he-" before Anthony could finish his sentence he was burnt to a crisp.

No one seemed to notice the boring accountants absence.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread