[WP] Necromancy, Technomancy, Pyromancy. You and your two best friends each have one of these powers. Tell me about the first hour, the first year and the first decade.

It was at the beginning I was full of hope...

"Check this shit out!" Yurie yells at the top of his lungs. With a raise of his hands, fire erupted from his fingertips and shot off into the air. Torres and myself looked on bewildered as he continued to dance with the flame around him, mesmerizing the both of us. "Oh yeah, I got the sickest power, no debate."

"Hey now," I say with a smug smile. "Let's not get to hasty, let's see what I can do." Mimicking Yurie's performance, I lifted my arms high into the air and let my hands pour out the power I contained. And we waited.

And waited.

Just a little bit more...

From the ground we saw the first glimpse of my power. A dozen or so ants cluttered all around my feet, before organizing themselves into perfect unison and waiting for my command. Yurie looked over with a raised eyebrow before bursting into laughter.

"You control Ants dude. That sucks." I could feel my heart sink into my stomach.

"Aw this is bullshit, why did I get this crappy power," My words couldn't truly represent my disappoint. I brought my foot down and crushed them all without a care for their safety. "How about you?" I say glancing at Torres.

"Well, lets see." Torres moves quietly as he walks towards me, silent in his movements. Lifting his hands into the air to replicate what the two of us did, we could immediately see his power make itself apparent. All the lights in the town began to flicker, the cars began to screech their emergency horns, the phones in our pockets started to beep as if a thousand messages were coming in.

"Electricity powers!" Yurie exclaimed with a spark of jealousy to his voice. "That's pretty sick."

"I think it's just technology to be honest," Torres responds. "I dunno, it was like I could feel... all of it talking to me when I did that."

"Spooky," I say with a bitter smirk. "Well, at least you two have awesome ones. Who knows, maybe king of the ants won't be so bad?"

It was in the middle I began to worry.

Yurie enjoyed the fame that his power brought him. 'The Living Fireball' he branded himself, no pun intended, and took his displays all over the world. He dazzled and danced on the stage known as the world and everyone danced back with him. Life was perfect for him.

Torres, on the other hand, couldn't shut his power off. Every message sent across the world, he heard. Every phone conversation, he heard. Every launch code for a nuclear device, he knew. He was terrified of what he knew, of what he could do with all that information, of how he could destroy the world or bring it into a new era of peace with just the things the computers knew.

Myself? I just played with my dead ants. Sometimes a bird or two. Never anything smart enough to have been considered highly sentient. I hadn't really attempted something like that. I didn't want to know if I could do that. Bring a human back to life. Maybe they'd be a zombie. Maybe they'd be my slave. Maybe... maybe they'd just be human again. I didn't want to find out.

It was at the end I was scared. It was right now that horrified me.

"You two..." Torres was muttering to himself as Yurie and myself stood across the room from him. We tracked him down over the last few months, but we were too late to get here before he broke. Half the world had been destroyed by now by nuclear weapons only a few hours ago. Torres couldn't deal with the insanity that brewed inside his mind. It was festering his soul into tiny shards, until eventually, the Torres I knew was dead. Now, a husk full of secrets stood before me. "You two had it lucky. We never asked for this."

Torres glances at myself before he spoke again. "I never asked for this." I step forward, holding my hand up as I do. I gaze around myself to see all the mechanical monstrosities Torres had invented in his time of solitude. Wonders and marvels beyond human comprehension.

"I know mate. None of us did. I don't blame you for what you did," I slowly walked towards him as I spoke, but Yurie pushed past me before I got close.

"I do," Yurie yells out. "You had control over your actions! You didn't have to destroy half the world! There is no one to blame for all that death! All that destruction! But you!" His arms were engulfed in flames by the time the last word erupted out his mouth.

"I am not to blame," Torres said back with a hush tone. "All of you are. I just saw the evil that was coming... so I stopped it before it happened."

"Oh bullshit," Yurie threw his arm forward, a fireball leaving his palm and heading straight for Torres. Out of the ether around him, a shield absorbed the fireball.

"Et tu Yurie?" Torres says, a few tears blocking his eyes. "I knew you would one day. I made counter-measures." A giant air duct above us opened up and began to inhale with rapid speed. I looked over at Yurie who's arms were slowly becoming extinguished. "Fire needs air Yurie," A few tears dripped down Torres eyes, "You both need air."

Yurie collapsed to the ground, choking with every passing second, until he drew his last breath and died next to me. I was still standing tall, a bitter look of defeat on my face. Torres just stares at me, eyes wide and full of fear.

"Warwick?" Torres whimpered out, "Why... why aren't you dead?" I look at my old friend and smile softly. I don't know I smiled. I guess I found it funny, how naive the question was to me. But, it made sense to him.

"Because mate," With a wave of my arm, Yurie slowly crawled to a stand, his eyes empty and full of death, as well as salivating from his jaw until a small pool was nestled under his feet. "I've been dead for a real long time. Not even you can kill the dead."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread