[WP] Write a story about a girl slipping on a banana peel but make it as sad as possible

Let me tell you a story, or two.

Margot is a student attending Glenbrook High School. Her mother died when she was a baby, and she now lives with her father in a small apartment near the train tracks. Her father frequents the bar after work, where he drinks himself into a stupor, arriving at home the day after. He's not a very good father. Margot usually has to take care of herself, waking up on time for school, making her own breakfast, and walking past the train tracks to her school. This has happened every day for the past couple years.In the future, the same thing would happen again, and again, and again until she leaves for college never to call back home.

Hmm. That was slightly depressing. Let me show you a slightly different story.

Margot is a student attending Glenbrook High School. Her mother died when she was a baby, and she now lives with her father in a small apartment near the train tracks. Her father frequents the bar after work, where he drinks himself into a stupor, arriving at home the day after. He's not a very good father. Margot usually has to take care of herself, waking up on time for school, making her own breakfast, and crossing the train tracks to her school. This has happened every day for the past couple years. Until one day, while her father was at a bar he looked at himself. He felt utterly pathetic, not being able to take care of his own daughter as he would like. So instead of staying at the bar he visited a local grocery store and bought various snacks that he and his daughter could eat together. As he was walking home a homeless man on the street saw his grocery bag and asked him for something to eat. The father obliged and gave the man a banana, and walked back home to his daughter. The homeless man munched on the banana while he was walking back to his shack which was near Margot's high school.

The next day, Margot woke up feeling with a good feeling. Her father finally spent some time with her yesterday and together they ate the snacks he bought earlier. She was thinking all about that while she walked to school, and she was so enamored with her thoughts she didn't see a banana peel along the railroad tracks, and so she slipped. She fell backwards onto the track and shattered her spine, paralyzing her instantly.

Anyways, that's the story so far. What's gonna happen next you say?

Eventually a train would show up and it's wheels would slice through her midsection, tearing her apart. Her internal organs would be ruptured and splayed across the track. Her blood would seep through the wood and stain the metal. The next couple of trains completely shredded Margot past the point of recognition. The only thing in reminiscence of her, is going to be her father who would never find her, and the passengers on the train, who would feel slight bump every time they pass over that little area.

And that, is the Butterfly Effect.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread