[WP] Write a story about an original fictional creature

Everyone in the office stood, huddled around the window. Out in the parking lot was the Riaa Cul. It was currently standing on someone's Nissan, slowly rubbing its tendrils on the vehicle.

"Is it seriously still out there? We sent out Barker."

"Well, maybe we didn't know Barker as well as we thought. We certainly have never seen him on the inside before this."

The rest of the workers moaned in disgust. Poor taste. Terri spoke up. "This is actually the first time I've ever seen the Riaa Cul. Somehow it just never came skulking by for forty years. It's a lot less scary than I imagined. OH! Look, Look at the Applebee's."

On the other side of the parking lot, a man was being forced out of the exit door. Despite only appearing an inch high from their vantage point, his body language displayed his panic quite clearly. The Riaa Cull immediately stopped stroking the Nissan and jumped off - "Jesus, my insurance rates," moaned Kendra - and hovered towards the man. The mushroom shaped chitin rambled over to its new target. As it extended its infinite-seeming tendrils once again, the man fell face-forward.

Terri spoke once again. "See? He just fell over. I thought you got harvested immediately." The rest of the office groaned in disgust again. "It gives off a strong sedative," assured Miles, the copy boy. "You don't feel a thing, is how I hear it."

The Glap finished its inventory of the man, bones and organs arranged neatly in front of it with inhuman speed. The flailing vine-like appendages fondled each part at once, as it continued its assessment. Everyone held their breath.

Nothing. The Riaa Cull continued to roam.

"Jesus," complained Don. "If this is going to go on past 3, someone's gonna have to pick up my kids." He sniffed. "Well, we did all we could. Nobody but us has given out 8 workers yet. We'll wait until the Merriam calls us for our turn - it's their spot to begin with. Till then.." he clapped his hands. "Back to work everyone! I'm sure the Riaa'll find the person torrenting movies. There's only so many folks with access to that wifi connection."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread