[WR] Super Mario World any% 9:47.58 GreenDeathFlavor

[–]essoairSuper Mario Sunshine 29 points 14 hours ago  Isnt that backwards though? Any% is supposed to be literally by any means possible, no limitations. The limitations are fine, but they shouldnt be the defualt. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]BrianTheWizardF tha RNG! 12 points 13 hours ago  Seth's run is any%, this run is any% No Credits Warp. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]KiruaZoldyck 6 points 13 hours ago*  Regardless of the endless argument "does a credits warp beat the game in SMW?", the name "any%, credits warp" makes no sense in this context. Because it includes "any%" which means that the category does beat the game (and then as it's the fastest category that does beat the game, it should just be "any%"). If you want to keep calling the old category "any%" then the new one should probably be "credits warp" (without any% in the name). permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Jademalopls no al pachino 11 points 13 hours ago  Except for the fact that every single other game just renames to any%, because that's the point of the term any%. ALttP has an insanely short any%, but the more run categories are any% no oob and the one minute long one is any%. OoT famously has more categories than minutes in the run, but the big wrong warp any% is still called any%, and the others are any% no WW etc. Seth's run is Any%, this one is Any% no credits warp. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]tr621Zelda 2 points 6 hours ago  For Ocarina of Time, the categories are not Any% No Wrong Warp, it's just called No Wrong Warp. Similar thing with ALttP. "Any%" refers only to the standard completion category with no restrictions; it's not really necessary for categories with other modifiers such as "No Out of Bounds" or "No Wrong Warp". permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply Just a reminder that Seth Bling also refers to this as "Any%" and his run as "Any% credits warp"

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