Wrong time to make an illegal turn

How odd that I happen to stumble upon this post from you as I had an similar situation happen to me this morning on my way to work. I however had started my research the night prior, but timing doesn't affect how you and I are much alike in our studies.

While you are attempting to swap out portions of a gene encoding protein called Alcohol Dehyrogenase YqhD I am studying how to implant a portion of the protein called MgD64 into a functioning but close to failing liver using a very similar technique to that of OE-PCR. The technique I use is commonly referred to as Be3r-AdctYun, which is just fancy acronym but essentially you allow the protein to breath by removing a "seal" of sorts from it causing a chemical reaction much like opening a soda (pop for some of us out there) then introduce the protein into the blood stream. But I digress, while I was monitoring how Be3r-AdctYun was able to process the alcohols to caloriticides and also remove harmful toxin (what a liver in this experiment doesn't do, but as it works I notice that the PiP-b0y tracker has gained a +3 to charisma-tin-a-tode), which for a nightly experiment I chose to let it run for about 5 hours and then again for 2 hours when I woke this morning (however i don't remember those 2 hours, experiments are sometimes too exciting). I was suuuuper stoked to find out that I can actually cut down on the initial experiment time of 5 hours as I now know that I can use a different technique known as V-dka which essentially is anywhere form 70 to 120 percent more effective than Be3r-AdctYun. Now, my fellow Biochems out there .. I do not recommend this technique on a daily basis as it can have some unpredictable results. Some of my experiment results came back with large masses of human tissue randomly showing up in my control area. These large masses of human tissue are extremely hard to remove from the control area without smoothly assuring that contact will occur again in the future. But long story short, I mean reddit... you know me, I am not one to drag a story out... someone cut me off this morning just to run a red light. To my delight I heard the peaceful hum of your friendly neighborhood police car (who I mind you believed all lives matter according to his bumper sticker) and I got to watch this person get a ticket. They cried.

Source- I'm a Chemical Biologist that never went to school, but I am on the internet and can grow dragon eggs in my backyard. I don't have a backyard.

TLDR; I drove my car to work today, took a poop... told my tale on reddit. My post is inspired by a true story.

[Fake-Edit] Someone is going to call me a liar, And I say this to that person... me lie? No. I have dragon eggs for sale if you want some.

[Fake-Edit #2] COME AT ME BRO! OH I'M NOT FUNNY? I'M NOT FUNNY? I appreciate your input..... the internet is better for having you here. I'll work harder in the future. Sorry I CAPS-Yelled, i get excited and I didnt take my meds today.

[Fake-Edit #3] duuuuuuuuuuuuude...... not cool. I have a family.

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