Xennials of reddit, how’s that working out for you?

The very oldest Xennial here - I am doing okay.

Currently 1 year away from graduation in college. Am currently doing my 4th internship because I know I won't be able to get a job after graduation without a ton of experience. Not in debt because I'm lucky that my parents save my whole life to pay for college - but I know most of my friends aren't as lucky, and even ones who have parents who have saved are still in debt because the cost of college has increased so fast (I attend a public university - so not even crazy private school tuition).

I grew up with technology - I remember playing Neopets 24/7, then Webkinz, Club Penguin, etc. I got my first iPod Touch the year it came out, joined social media at 13, but my parents wouldn't let me have my own cell phone until I turned 13. My younger siblings have has phones since 11 or 12, and iPods before that. I can go a while without my phone but my sister who is 2 years younger than me cannot go a minute without hers (2 year long snap streaks, etc).

Politically I was a republican/libertarian for awhile because my parents were - but once I met people who were not white and not upper middle class I realized I was very wrong. I'm very progressive now - there are still things I don't agree with or understand but work to educate myself. Being a woman is my field is rare, I'm a sexual assault survivor and work to fight rape culture on my campus (and people actually listen to me!! and my story!! and what I have to say!!) which I know wouldn't have been given to me previously.

Biggest fear is environmental things. I am currently never planning on having kids, and I think having multiple children is incredibly selfish. I bring my own reusable straws and silverware in a pouch with me so I don't use disposable. I ALWAYS carry a bag with me so I don't have to use plastic, etc, etc.

Overall - Nervous about never getting a job, but at least I have a lot of followers on twitter and the world is going to burn in like 20 years anyway so it won't even matter.

/r/AskReddit Thread