Xkcd has the right idea. Remember, being an adult means that YOU get to decide what being an adult means.

This reminds me of something that happened some time ago - I had a bunch of gaming figurines on a dresser including a lockpicking Fallout 3 Vault Boy bobblehead. Some of my husband's friends came over and apparently one of them was like "Why do you have toys on your shelf, that's childish." I didn't find out until later and I was FURIOUS. who gave you the permission to, first off, constantly show up at our home uninvited and unnanounced (MIl lives with us and she always just lets them in without asking first!!! We've several times pretended we were asleep in bed...) and then you have the audacity to cricitize!! Get outta here with that crap. I put them away at first cos I didn't want to embarrass my husband but after a few days of thinking and getting angry at the situation I put them back where they belonged!

/r/childfree Thread Link - i.imgur.com