Yesterday I realized something...

My 4 year old son recently took a random dive in behavior both at school and at home. He is a gem and I’m not just saying that bc he’s mine. He’s a good natured, sweet and goofy kid and very sensitive. I knew immediately that I needed to give him more undivided attention. And I’ve been doing that lately and I’ve noticed a difference. Instead of just filling his bath and leaving him to play by himself while I do other things and just check in him, I actually sit down in front of the tub and we talk and play with his bath toys. He loves it. Then I give him 5 min of alone time to play and wrap it up while I get a chore done. I also color with him and play with him more than I was before. It’s like night and day. He’s an only child and he’s bored and just needs a damn playmate lol I can’t do it 24/7 but I certainly was slacking a little and letting the stress of my job and single mom life get to me and just not giving him the respect and attention he needs and deserves. I love him so much and I’m more aware of his emotional needs now.

/r/Parenting Thread