How to deal with this toxic behavior from family after having a baby?

You're not being too sensitive. You're a new mom and hormones are still running wild in your body so consider that when you're feeling the way you do.

You ask how to deal with the judgement from your family, well you don't. You left home for a reason. You didn't want them to ruin your pregnancy for a reason. So don't deal with them regarding this. If they want to think your life is ruined, that's ok they don't need any part in it.

You're self sufficient, you don't need them. Block, delete, ignore. All things to use! You got this. Enjoy your baby. I would hate when people would tell me this but the time flies. I miss when my little bug was itty bitty like that. It's hard but no doubt worth it. So cliche I know, it's true though.

Best of luck.

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