Your phone is KILLING your confidence

No it’s not the phone, that’s just a crutch or an excuse correlating to the present environment places infront of you. Tell me when you’re at the gym, phone in pocket or in the locker, you’re going to tell me the hesitation to cold approaching was due to the phone?

No, it’s because we’re at the gym and people want to be left alone at the gym. Yes and no, yes because regardless of the phone excuse you probably were hoping “wow beautiful girl, hope this goddess by chance just says hi and we click and I’ll ask for her number” but in reality it was probably oh fuck, she made eye contact, time to switch songs and prepare for that next set. Goes on phone, it’s just your social escape.

It had nothing to do with the phone. Address the root problem, not the crutches that are misconstruing from the actual problem, which is probably some degree of social anxiety; shyness.

If you think the phone is the problem, you’ll put the phone away thinking you resolved the dire problem. This is going to lead to outcome dependence when the phones away, and will probably leave readers not using their phone but not necessarily gaining the confidence to cold approach or whatever. Thus end up in a stagnant position, giving up another opp. I’m not saying the phone is not a daily distraction, but if you wanted to approach, and the phone is stopping you, the phone is not the problem. Face the root cause.

/r/confidence Thread