Know Your Rights: The Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement can no longer make you wait for drug sniffing dogs during a traffic stop, should you not consent to a search.


Yes, obviously if you are detained in any scenario, you are not free to go. That is a fairly known fact, if you are being held by law enforcement in this way, you aren't free to leave. To be clear, if you are detained in any scenario you are not free to go. Just like if you are arrested you aren't free to go, but to a higher degree. The justice stated reasonable suspicion that leads to detainment, while reasonable suspicion alone is not enough to detain someone- or else the importance of probable cause which constitutes the right to search your car (in the context of your vehicle).

"The Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement can no longer make you wait for drug sniffing dogs during a traffic stop, should you not consent to a search." Not consenting to a search is not in any way qualified as "reasonable suspicion"

Finally, just because it doesn't take much for something to fall under the category of reasonably suspicious, I was regardless not misleading anyone with my statement. This is due to the fact that without reasonable suspicion, which must be deemed valid in court to prevent evidence from being potentially excluded from the case, you are free to go (if it is clear you aren't detained, and you are free to go)

I think that you may have not thoroughly thought your comment through, or should do some of your own research. Thanks anyway though. Make sense?

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