Here's your semi-regular typing thread. <3

The more I get into mbti the more confused I get about my type. So here goes. And these things are fun.

  1. I think honesty is the thing I respect above everything else. Even when you might compromise tactfulness! Fairness and transparency are also among those things.

  2. Dishonesty, lol. I'm usually pretty tolerant and it's pretty hard to get me really pissed. The things that could be considered "intentionally evil" are stuff that gets me livid.

  3. I have an extremely good memory what comes to facts and things and tidbits. It sometimes frightens people, and some use me as their Google replacement. On the other hand, I'm terrible at remembering past events, faces, birthdays and things I should be doing.

  4. I... Daydream? I have certain topics that I like to ponder about and they evolve slowly by themselves. I like to think about stories, mainly to amuse myself. Other topics that dwell in my mind usually are related to recent topics that I have thought or worked on recently. These interests come and go. I love to learn things and figure them out, and when I'm done, I switch the subject. I hate dwelling in the past! I prefer to think about things I will do someday, not how things could've been.

  5. This fully depends on my knowledge level on the subject. I love to be the listening person if there's something new that I can learn in the discussion. I'd lack the patience for the convo if I'd be hearing things I already know, even when the subject would be interesting! I'd be really happy to talk and talk and talk about an interesting subject to someone willing to listen.

  6. Hmm. Biology, contemporary movies, stuff I'm really into at this very moment.

  7. Unfortunately unlikely. :( Though if the situation is so outrageous that I see that it needs an intervention, I try to react in a way that is polite and/or light but makes clear that I'm not fucking kidding right now. It's much easier to react to people that I know and whom I have good relations with. I hate the possibility of a fight with a person I dislike.

  8. I'd love to!!!! Just ask me to jump into a well and I'm already there. But I'd rather not do that stuff alone. I rarely make plans and if someone asks me to come somewhere in a short notice, I'll do it.

  9. Rational, friendly but reserved, polite, "the-good-kinda-weird". I'm quiet but not in the shy kind of way, I'm just careful with my words. Though with familiar people I kind of forget about it and have my moments when I go with the stream with consciousness route. It kind of catches people off guard when it happens. I'm not really an emotional person and I dread showing strong reactions publicly. I feel like I'm not fully in control of myself when I start to cry and so on. I'm the worst offender in ending my sentences midway and starting with a completely different train of thought. I interrupt sometimes, but I usually actively choose not to. I'm very annoyed by interruptions myself. I'm very good at sitting on one spot when I have something to do at that said spot. I'm a terrible idler though. In the same vein, if I have somewhere to go it's very easy for me to get up and going when I get up. I seem to need a purpose, haha.

  10. Not really. I'm really bad at finishing anything. :(

  11. Mid-twenties, female, Finn

/r/mbti Thread