You've gone too far, boner!

The meme is intended for those who find sexual attraction or arousal to things that may be morally incorrect.

As you may or may not know, Males and Females both tend to feel sexual desire towards certain things, and depending on the individual, these things vary. However, taking social Stigma into account, these sexually arousing concepts can be considered taboo or outright wrong to the individual in question. This feeling of arousal may, at times, put a feeling of hesitation or wariness upon the individual.

This meme was used incorrectly, as there is generally nothing wrong with the image provided. The 'selfie', as it was, commands no outlandish attention to unusual aspects, and generally seems to be depicting the likeness of a young woman. To be sexually aroused by this image wouldn't be an unusual thing, especially to those who are of the pre-teenage variety. In general, the image could be considered completely normal.

However, usage of this meme suggests that this image was outlandish or unusual, and at the same time sexually arousing (boners or erection of the genital organs are typically a sign of sexual arousal or excitement in males and/or transgender people, however this varies from person to person.)

Had the individual never seen a female before, or had never witnessed breasts, body type, or facial structure of the female depicted before, perhaps the meme would have been acceptable given the circumstances. However the likeliness of the commenter having never seen a female like this before leads one to believe that the meme was misused.

It could be that the underlying knowledge that this meme was used in an incorrect or strange manner could be causing the 'cringe' some search for, but it's entirely possible that further aspects of this image have a reason behind that feeling.

Perhaps it could be the amount of Facebook 'likes' the woman's image received. She may have a following of people that she feeds images of herself to, in order to gain a self sense of completion or fulfillment, and the number depicted here is proof of this theory.

It could be that the image in question is fishing for attention on its own, regardless of a crowd it may be pandering or appealing to. Take note of the undone button near the top of the baby blue blouse this woman wears. Had this woman taken an extra 3.8 seconds to completely button her dress, the responding image may have never come to be. This could be a clear sign that this woman is fishing for compliments, comments, or otherwise 'self advertising' for an ulterior motive.

The many different aspects of this image as a whole culminate into an interesting mix of self-absorbed empathy; or 'cringe'. The commenter and their rude/ungainly comment depicting an image that is very clearly misused given the subject matter. The number of other human beings that are helplessly following/have succumbed to the feminine charm of the woman in question. Or perhaps the woman herself, who appears to be pandering to the crowd she knowingly attracts in order to fill a 'void' of unsuccessful events her life had lead her to.

Truly, a mind flexing enigma of social stigmas, norms, and primal instinct.

/r/cringepics Thread Link -