Yuzuki Roa talks about her hiatus and anguish in an interview

She says she was one-sidedly painted as the bad guy by having information revealed out of context in a misleading way. However, trying to give an explanation during an outrage could make the situation worse by just adding oil to the fire.

I don't understand why Japanese people don't simply talk. During the Terrace House drama too, the victim never spoke up, never explained that she was acting a role. I know she's under an agreement not to disclose that, but between breaking a contract (which might be unenforceable anyways) and killing yourself, it's fairly obvious which is the better choice.

Telling your story is not adding oil to the fire unless your story is entirely made up. In any case, people can tell whether you're being mostly truthful after both sides tell their stories. You can even have both people create written accounts of what happened and reveal both at the same time to make sure nobody's tailoring their story to what the other said.

There's no need to judge one self so harshly before letting the world make that judgement first. In the absolute worst case, the world decides that "oh, she's so petty". So what? Apologize then. No need to consider suicide.

Also since this is really meant more for Japanese people, here's a Google translated version:


なぜ日本人が話さないのかわかりません。 テラスハウスのドラマの間も、犠牲者は決して声を上げず、彼女が役割を演じていると説明しませんでした。 彼女はそれを開示しないという合意の下にあることを私は知っていますが、契約を破ることと自殺の間で、どちらがより良い選択であるかはかなり明白です。

あなたの側が完全に嘘をついていない限り、言うことは「火に油を注ぐ」ことではありません。 いずれにせよ、双方が話し合った後、人々はあなたが真実であるかどうかを知ることができます。いずれにせよ、双方が話し合った後、人々はあなたが真実であるかどうかを決めることができます。両方の人に何が起こったかについての書面による説明を作成させ、同時に両方を明らかにすることもできます。これは嘘つきが彼らの話を変えることができないことを確実にします。

世界が最初に判断する前に、自分自身をそれほど厳しく判断する必要はありません。 最悪の場合、世界は「ああ、彼女はとても卑小」と判断します。 だから何? 謝罪と言う。 自殺を考える必要はありません。

/r/VirtualYoutubers Thread