Zuckerberg answers the question: "What is your vision of Oculus?"

Imagine standing in a surreal impossible landscape with floating mountains, strange auroras, two moons and a large planet visible in the night sky, with galaxies in the distance.

Being able to do things this year, that no other human in history thought they would be able to do up until very very recently makes me feel lucky.

It's not that I'm going to get to do things that previous people wished they could do, it's that I'm going to do things that previous people thought was impossible that excites me.

Senza Peso excited me more than anything else I've seen. Not just it by itself, but the genre of experience it represents.

Our whole lives we've seen movies with magic, and technology we wish we had. Wizards shoot colorful blasts of liquid light, Jedi's use lightsabers, everything has holograms. In movies everything is visual and exaggerated, sparks and lava, light and giant fantastic machines. Slow motion bullets and explosions.

In real life seeing majestic, captivating, exhilarating, enchanting, nearly magical things is usually very dangerous, expensive, inaccessible, or otherwise a once in a lifetime opportunity for most.

I've lived a very crazy, and dangerous life. I've driven 29 hours straight to Las Vegas, I've done cocaine on a tropical beach in Mexico, and smoked weed in the Rocky Mountains.

I've done LSD during an ice storm and then walked down the closed highway in thick fog and stood under the intersection lights.

I think real world experiences are important to a fulfilling life, but I also understand how dangerous and expensive living an exciting life can be. Virtual reality will allow everyone to experience things that are otherwise impossible in the safety of their homes.

It doesn't diminish actual experience, it just offers a better version of the times that you aren't able to go out. When you only have an hour to spare before bed after a long day, you can sit down in an impossible paradise. . . and watch Seinfeld reruns on a floating screen in front of a waterfall.

/r/oculus Thread