124 words Whats some advice for someone who’s going into Boot Camp I leave on the 9 of August 198 words What BMT moment made your MTI memorable? Despicable? Unremarkable? 139 words Can my supervision tell me I can’t do something outside of work when it’s not HRA 203 words At 17 years 10 months and starting to question the Air Force. 131 words Cyber Airmen: Why do you choose to stay in when you can leave the USAF and make good $$$ on the outside? 125 words Jobs after Separating 141 words Old boomer retirees are the worst part about military bases 117 words Squadron claiming they are unable to administer new alternate components 108 words Heading to Yokota AB. Did you guys like it or hate it? 186 words Me when I'm asked where my shaving waiver is 155 words As of 07 Feb 2022, The DAF has approved 8 Religious Accommodation requests to the COVID-19 Vaccine and granted 1 appeal. 143 words Who is weirdest person you have ever met in the Air Force? 125 words What is the closest you've seen someone (voluntarily) separate short of retirement? 117 words Military Medicine 415 words My BAH goes up $300 in January. Unfortunately, so does my rent 183 words I’ve been serving for 8 years; and today I’m the most sick of our culture that I’ve ever been. 418 words Where is all the toxicity coming from? 188 words I think I might have myocarditis but scared to go to the doctor because I am PCSing to Eglin in 2 weeks 152 words Any advice on how to handle this? 199 words PCS Travel Questions