205 words Just meant to be alone and ok with it 139 words Are our words changing? 233 words People don't realise how offensive it is to call someone skinny, especially if you say it in surprise as well! 149 words Best friend tried to sleep with me...in predatory way? 201 words My partner has been home for 4 days in the last 7 weeks. How would you feel about this? 170 words Issues with sex with my older partner 132 words Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? 918 words As I’m approaching 30, I’ve never been in a serious relationship and am starting to believe the voice in my head telling me there is something unloveable about me. How can I fight these thoughts in my head? 134 words I've just watched a documentary about AIDS among gay men in the 80s and I don't know what to do with myself. 264 words Gay Republicans/Trump Supporters 131 words I’m currently 29 and experiencing quite a lot of anxiety about turning 30. 270 words Getting divorced and starting my life over. Any advice on how I can kick life's ass when I haven't been on my own since I was, gulp, 19? 145 words "Genuinely masculine" 222 words Controversial question here -- be wise not quick-to-judge 257 words How much importance do you give to a person's political opinions when you date them? 255 words Not working anymore 144 words Overwhelming sadness months after a breakup 116 words Anyone else have problems with constant negative thoughts preventing you from living life? 225 words Thoughts on gay religious men 302 words How Many People Out There Put Off Their Professional Lives To Work On Coming Out And Living A Gay Life?