Thoughts on gay religious men

From my experience, being religious often goes hand in hand with not understanding basic logic. It's almost a requirement to be religious, so many of them reason through non-sequiturs (I don't know the answer, therfore god made it) and circular arguments (The Bible tells us that it is the word of God. The word of God is infallible, according to the Bible. Therefore the Bible is infallible), not to mention pick and choose their beliefs. It's true that there are decent Christians, Muslims etc, but if, in order to be a decent person, you need to arbitrarily discard important pieces of your supposedly infallible "holy" book, then maybe it's just a steaming pile of trash.

I will never sincerely respect that, even less so when it comes from a group that has been oppressed throughout all of human history thanks primarily to that line of reasoning. Even today, religion is still being used to make the lives of gay people miserable in so many places, especially Muslim countries, and I'm supposed to pretend this isn't happening or doesn't matter? Fuck, no.

The example you brought up is especially despicable: ex gays, who hate themselves so much they don't care about the harm they're doing by painting homosexuality like a curable illness. In fact, they're so deluded they think they're actually helping people. That's just insane.

/r/AskGaybrosOver30 Thread