408 words How do you deal with your SO's - and therefore maybe later ex's - friends? 538 words Trolls, one of my best friends (Male, 35) is trapped in an extremely emotionally abusive relationship and I don't know how to help. 327 words Any fellow trolls battling mental health issues? How did you get though them? I feel like I never will, I'm scared of going on anti-depressants, and it feels like no one will love me. 909 words I'm in a messed up situation with my boyfriend, and I need some outside perspective :/ 314 words In an open relationship & fell in love with someone else. 505 words Trolls! Since dating/tinder/okcupid are a usual themes around here how about we share some of our most embarrassing/funny/cringe-y date stories. Let others know you are not alone! 476 words What should I do about this work situation in which the boss is just trying to be nice and generous by taking us out to lunch, but I find it annoying that I don't get a break from my coworkers? 388 words has anyone here ever had an existential crisis? how did you deal with it? how did you accept your reality and try to be happy? 576 words has anyone here ever had an existential crisis? how did you deal with it? how did you accept your reality and try to be happy? 406 words HELP. I'm In A Glass Case Of Emotion! New SO and the unfriending of exes: To do or not to do? 322 words Sup trolls. I got asked to join a team of writers for a new sci-fi/horror web series in an effort to "get a female perspective" since all the writers are currently males. Got any advice, trolls? What character tropes in sci-fi/horror films that you enjoy/dislike? 394 words Trolls, I unwittingly dated a "Nice Guy" and it ended in a restraining order. What is your best (worst) "Nice Guy" experience? 411 words A male mutual friend has offered to help my boyfriend and me fix up my motorcycle. The friend totally ignores me and only addresses the BF, and I'm feeling stupidly nervous about asking to be included. Halp! (story in comments) 431 words I feel kind of weird asking this, but how do I AVOID being approached or explain my disinterest? 701 words A coworker was very rude to me, and my boss apologized on my behalf knowing very well she was in the wrong. Are my feels wrong? TrollX, I need advice! Story in comments.