has anyone here ever had an existential crisis? how did you deal with it? how did you accept your reality and try to be happy?

It sounds like you're looking for happiness from external sources.

You thought your job would make you happy and thought it was something that would make you feel passionate. Your life is not your job. Your job is not your identity. The only way you can be legitimately happy is to be happy with who you are outside of your role. You won't always have that role, so don't get emotionally dependent upon it. It can be just like an unhealthy relationship.

And passion doesn't just appear. Passion comes from hard work and appreciation. You can be passionate about anything if you are capable of recognizing the positive qualities of it, whether it is a relationship, or a tv show, or a job, or a sandwich. It requires attention and love and hard work.

You say that your friends "kind of abandoned" you because of school, but that's not how friendship works. Friendship is a gift. You can't have expectations for it. They gift you their time and attention, just as you do to them. You devoted your time to school instead of them, so you all grew apart. That is normal. Accept the role you played in that and now move to correct it. Go gift someone else some time and attention.

You can't wait for life to deliver these things. It doesn't automatically make you happy or loved. You have to go forth and "be the change you want to see in the world". So go be friendly to people. Go love your friends. Look for interesting things in your job.

And look at yourself. What good qualities do you have? Are you honest? Reliable? Loyal? Kind? Attentive? What skills do you have? Can you make an amazing cup of coffee? Or fix a car? Or make furniture? Or knit stuff? Or spot stars?

If you find yourself wanting, what traits and skills do you wish you had? What qualities do you admire in others? Why not try to adopt those qualities? Fake it until you make it.

When you're old, you're not going to look back and wish that you'd been a plumber. You'll wish that you experienced more. Learned more. Loved more.

An existential crisis is a mental crossroad. You can grow as a person or stagnate. I recommend the first one. :-)

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