139 words Does anyone else not recognise their face/cant look in the mirror for a long time without freaking out? (cw grooming) 269 words DAE feel like they have to try twice as hard as other people, for a third of the result? 376 words Share Your Story 333 words Weekly Vents & Victories - Newcomers start here! - 7/9-7/16 163 words Did anyone else just never get a break growing up? 465 words How do your emotional flashbacks look? 141 words My fawning seems to bring out selfishness in others? 292 words DAE ever think about changing their name? 165 words I want to admit defeat and that I’m just going to be broken forever. 182 words I hate the days where you long for the childhood that you never had and support you never received. For the belonging and "home" that you never had. 455 words I have multiple memories of my former abuser smiling with glee at my misery from his hand, and they come up whenever I'm sitting still and quietly 433 words Advice on jobs and careers whilst having C-PTSD? 257 words I'm ready to die 171 words I got accepted to the university of my dreams. 248 words More rants from me. Anybody feel like they are constantly CONSTANTLY misreading situations and doing things wrong, and have you considered giving up and just being the asshole everyone already thinks you are? 212 words CPTSD Subreddit is not a safe place 152 words Does anyone else find it impossible to trust people, that there aren't actually any good people in the world, and that there's no hope? 503 words Question...for those with active emotional dysregulation, when an overload hits you, do you fight it, or? 271 words Does anyone here also have BPD as a result of their C-PTSD? 174 words I feel like my life is living proof that if you don't want to have kids and can barely even take care of yourself, you should not have kids! TW talking about abusive parents, questioning sexuality, abuse, symptoms of cptsd, etc