225 words Exhausted 697 words Advice from CSA survivors: how do you deal with lost memories? 138 words Can children instigate sexual relationships? Why would this happen? Am I not remembering something? 199 words Too mature for your age yet simultaneously childish 347 words DAE need help cleaning around the house and hired a maid and have experience with it? I need advice. 199 words Is anyone else terrified of marriage? 244 words In a bad place after a huge trigger please help 144 words Has CPTSD made you question whether you want kids? I feel like I have barely enough energy to maintain life currently 178 words DAE feel much younger mentally than they actually are? 381 words Please help me. 142 words DAE cringe when their parents try to be maternal/paternal around you? 208 words Any other black/POC folks here? Anyone have trauma from internalized racism? 231 words How to find a suitable therapist? 585 words Can someone provide an outline for healing through therapy? Like what type of therapy do I start with to get an actual diagnosis, and where do I go from there? I have so many issues that I don’t know what route would be the best. 252 words Mental age way younger than actual age 161 words Struggling to cope with residual anger from fawning in light of the death of George Floyd 156 words 4 days ago my therapist suggested I read a book on c-ptsd and asked me to highlight anything that stood out to me. I was willing to learn something new but I went into the task thinking this wasn’t my problem. Now I’m worried it is my problem 198 words Social issues I face with CPTSD that you may relate to 124 words Panic attacks started during healing journey? 632 words How do you behave after you find out your sense of closeness to a person was based on compatible trauma, not actual intimacy?