148 words i wish this was a joke but 692 words My mother want me dead or.... 176 words Whatever your opinion is about what content should be here, can we at least agree to be kind to each other in this community? 127 words 28-Jan-//04-Feb-2019 Check-In or Vent Thread 824 words Is anyone else struggling with “habitual” cannabis use and if so, do you think it is connected to your PTSD? I ask because I know a few people having a hard time with weed including myself? Thanks. 143 words Scared I may have been molested as a little girl 190 words Apartment update: I have to move back to my toxic home :( 638 words I got banned from another subreddit and had an emotional flashback. 161 words Feeling hopeless 142 words How to handle dealing with people who either change their position over time on how much they acknowledge their trauma or don’t really acknowledge it at all? 261 words Spending problems after being triggered 131 words I often don't feel like I "deserve" to have PTSD or that my trauma isn't anything compared to other people's trauma. Anyone else feel this way? 294 words Has it ever just one day occurred to anyone else how fucked up their family is or how abusive a particular situation/ event that happened within the family? 175 words my family has graduated from not giving a single fuck about me to now warning me before they invite my rapist over 122 words Does anyone else find subreddits like theredpill extremely triggering (but also quite fascinating)? [TW - relationship abuse] 187 words Uncomfortably hot, always 158 words I am terrified that going back to work will be the beginning of the end. 375 words How do I tell my therapist he talks about himself too much? 134 words I know there are no suffering Olympics but.. 777 words Do you think dissociation around my therapist should be trusted, or worked through?