211 words I just read that my ex therapist diagnosed me with dysthymia without speaking with me about it- sad and angry 159 words Anyone had a traumatic adult abuse experience on top of earlier childhood abuse? A specific symptom of peace and calm is what I need a scientific explanation for. 645 words Why am I so desperate for validation? 438 words Does money freak you out? 267 words Weekly Vents & Victories - Newcomers start here! - 10/24-10/31 447 words I think I’ve inherited my mother’s constant fear of everything - that, or I am so afraid myself that I don’t deserve the life I have so I am bound to lose it. [TW - Death Anxiety] 287 words Breaking out of the cycle of abuse is a massive accomplishment. Don’t downplay it. 330 words Just found out parental alienation is a thing and that it's abuse. Quite shocked. 118 words Is anyone else “gifted”? 179 words Between my physical health and mental health, I have no idea what to aim for in terms of work/job/career 391 words DAE get ‘tired’ of life 165 words Trying out a new therapy... never heard of it 576 words tldr; a part of my college course is going to be triggering as fuck and i don’t know how to cope with it. (advice appreciated) 589 words I feel like not being ready to confront my trauma makes me a coward 358 words Weekly Vents & Victories - Newcomers start here! - 8/29-9/5 221 words Lack of a self-identity makes being alone torture. But I have to love being alone to survive. Sure... 623 words Has anyone had success getting better? What worked? 250 words Triggers and possible addiction 120 words 47m, suddenly remembered something on the way home from work today. 129 words NOTE TO SELF: You don’t have to forgive your abusers. Ever.