139 words There needs to be more praxis between the Big 5 Tech Companies. 181 words Socialists what incentive is there for anyone to invest their money in creating "means of production" if they don't have more ownership then workers who didn't invest? 405 words How does Supply and Demand work in Healthcare? 129 words Where are we currently at on the Laffer Curve? 120 words Where Do You Stand on these 5 Questions about Planning vs Markets? 118 words LTV is principally a moral theory of value and can only ever be rejected or accepted on such a basis 197 words (Socialists only). Why do you think Social Democracy couldn't work in the United States? 178 words Why do people who hate billionaires still buy products from billionaires? 178 words [everyone] How did capitalists go from being opressed serfs to oppressing workers? 141 words Can't we just agree that capitalism makes countries rich (it certainly increases GDP) but also makes unbearable wealth inequality? 121 words How does one go about valuing a human being, and what is that value? 217 words How do we come together? 221 words You can plan for anything, but you can't plan for everything 118 words Capitalism is on track to cause the greatest tragedy in human history. Why are you still defending it? 215 words (Capitalists) Why is capitalism not exploitative/bad? 221 words [LTV Proponents] How is depreciation handled in the LTV? 180 words What are needs? 160 words Suppose the Moneybags guild did decide to buy the world with their consolidated wealth, a more dastardly plan would be to buy it via loan or payment schedule. 390 words Anarchy is a power vacuum. Someone WILL fill that vacuum. Hence, anarchy can never work. 212 words [Meta] This community needs to step up our posting game, or we'll end up with Adam Marx just replying to himself...