197 words Have you ever appreciated someone’s existence so much you sincerely only wish them the best 215 words Please talk to me because I'm going insane over this thing called "Hell's Itch" 320 words What are your favorite albums, and why? 128 words I got my covid vaccine and lied about having side effects so I could get a free day off work 205 words What’s the college experience supposed to be like? 238 words I've been trying to get out of our town to start fresh, but the pandemic made it so much harder. What's your advice or stories if you experienced same situation? 138 words Let's talk about the things you wouldn't normally share 214 words How does one lower the electricity bill? 265 words 22M/BR: Things are crazy lately, so I’m making friends to pass the time. Wanna chat? 125 words Life without kids… is fun. 360 words Strange feedback from an interview 240 words anyone else ever get a burning desire to up and leave your life behind and start anew somewhere extremely far away? 123 words I don't even know how to talk to people online anymore. 307 words Does it make you feel like a failure when you think about how people your age are becoming Pro-Athletes, or basically famous? Or is it just me? 167 words Finish this sentence: "There is nothing in the world that ..." 159 words Does anyone else feel like they're riding a bicycle built for two (or three) by themselves lately? 128 words I genuinely cannot tell the difference between r/OldSchoolCool and r/BlunderYears 171 words Im moving to a new apartment complex in June and im gonna be able to grow sunflowers there and im SO FREAKING EXCITED. 338 words I had a bad date tonight, and it wasn't my fault 167 words How do I know what I want?