145 words Nobody, and I mean NOBODY at my 600+ employee workplace is taking social distancing or mask wearing seriously except for my friend and I, and I feel like an outcast 217 words A Life In Isolation: Post-Divorce, Covid, and the terrifying realization not much has changed. Let's talk. 263 words I have made a very serious and firm decision today 211 words I uncontrollably can’t learn maths 165 words Annoyed at one of my teachers and need to vent :( 238 words Would you like to have a new friend? 327 words SAT scores came out recently. I'm in the top 2% of scores in the nation. 184 words Who else feels incredibly unsatisfied with life, no matter how good you have it. 131 words Do you think COVID-19 will cause rent prices to drop? 159 words Can't stand working 916 words Thank you to the healthcare workers in every country for continuing to go to work 131 words The entire world feels like it's slowing down because of the virus, and as a struggling introvert I find that strangely comforting 369 words Trying to live a "healthy, fulfilling, financially stable, and emotionally sound" life is exhausting, man. 225 words My suicide D-Day was the 19th. It’s the 21st, and I’m alive, cuddling with my cat, and baking a cake just for myself. Pretty proud. 165 words PS5 better be worth the money. 256 words I screwed up.. 127 words How do you guys go on if you feel like at any time, something is going to blow up in your face? 185 words I’m sitting with my GF waiting for her to have an operation, and this is one those times I am so thankful for the NHS in the UK 193 words I have a new plan for my undergrad degree 248 words Is this even fair?