I genuinely cannot tell the difference between r/OldSchoolCool and r/BlunderYears

Yea, you're somewhat right. It's all about your own perspective though. But yea, a lot of pictures don't exactly fit into the spirit of their respective subs. For example, I posted a picture of me in my graduation yearbook where I was wearing corpse paint to Blunder Years. Now, I dont even think it was a blunder or anything, but I knew people were gonna get a kick out of it and like seeing it, which yea, it did hit the front page. But I guess I'm kinda part of the problem for posting things that don't exactly fit the sub. As long as non fitting posts don't take over a subreddit I don't see the problem :)

For the most part I think both subs are quite distinct.

/r/CasualConversation Thread