134 words Narcissism - an update 302 words Just your average Muslim 196 words Is it normal for managers to yell at you and threaten to fire you all the time? 220 words I’m at a coffee shop waiting for my boyfriend to finish his first job interview 151 words I’m turning 28 tomorrow, and I’m really not excited for it. 128 words Bullying and harassment are epidemics on Reddit and mods do little to prevent it. 136 words My girlfriend broke up with me and i need to talk about anything other than that to distract me until i fall asleep. 329 words What are your thoughts on saving your money (fiscally responsible) and the general idea that wealthy are greedy for saving their money? 177 words Anyone else have the disease of boredom? 210 words Just surpassed 1k karma yesterday 247 words Feeling grateful for America. 150 words Someone tell me something good about living in a small town, please. 237 words So every university in my country is free as from this year. 165 words What’s the one thing everyone should be learning right now in their free time? 121 words So i’m in my last year of high school and i have no idea what the hell im gonna do in uni. Help? 161 words 2019 has been the worst year of my life so far 152 words Finally learning how to drive! Any tips and suggestions? 176 words To everyone else who is also alone on Christmas eve / Christmas day , it's ok. It's better than being with people who don't love you. We are strong and awesome and we can have a great time on our own ! 208 words How did you know the right career for you? 275 words As someone from a Third World Country, USA never ceases to amaze me