Just surpassed 1k karma yesterday

My milestone was 30k+ on one single, and I admit it, repost (it was allowed by the rules of the sub). It was my first frontpage and it was a slightly strange experience. Like going shopping, returning 100+ inbox WTF....

But my favorite was the thread I never knew what happened. There was a post of a groom asking his wife's daughter to be his daughter, forever. It's a video which gets reposted on the subs I visit from time to time, nothing to worry. Obviously there were the standard REPOST thingys. And I just replied along the lines that I don't care about how often it gets reposted, I love it every time and the bride made the best choice to marry him. Went to sleep. Next morning that comment had gotten like 1k upvotes, my inbox had exploded. When I clicked on the inbox, it was empty however. It turned out my post must have stirred a lot of drama. Every of the dozens of replies and their replies (and so on) to this comment of me had been removed and the topic locked altogether. My comment was the only remaining one apart from the "locked" thingy still visible. As I was asleep I'll never know what had happened.

/r/CasualConversation Thread