381 words Trump signs resolution condemning white supremacists 198 words Everything I Needed to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11 372 words While we watch the left is making progress to their eventual goal 569 words Florida professor who tweeted Texans deserved Harvey for supporting Trump is fired 194 words ERICKSON: A Pyrrhic Victory 298 words Economic nationalism versus globalism 379 words George Orwell's 1984 gets it correct again... 193 words How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism - White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. 208 words Mike Huckabee: No matter what the president said about Charlottesville, he would have been condemned -- “... Nothing will ever satisfy the Trump haters. And there are a lot of Trump haters within the Republican Party who jumped on him as well.” 252 words Oregon State University Now Offers “Fat Studies” Courses that Claim “Weightism” is a Civil Rights Issue 201 words How many of you are ex-liberals...? 198 words Official: McMaster calls Israel ‘illegitimate,' 'occupying power’ 154 words Why is r/politics essentially r/LateStageCapitalism? 248 words Trump announces ban on transgender individuals serving in military saying, "the United States Government will not accept or allow...Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military" 180 words Communist Clubs Are Sprouting Up in U.S. High Schools Again 170 words Trump Has Himself, Not Sessions, to Blame for the Limitless Mueller Investigation 149 words blacks receive a "bonus” of 230 points on SAT, Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points, while Asians LOSE 50 points on SAT ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. screw affirmative action 305 words New Spiderman movie promotes, normalizes porn 274 words The lost boys: We mothers think they're tougher than girls - but growing evidence suggests neglecting our sons emotions scars them for life 205 words San Antonio PD Police Chief: "I'm angry at the police haters, I'm sick of the police haters, We protect them. We defend them. And they give us a big F U. And I'm sick of it." after officer dies from wounds sustained in shootout with man with extensive criminal history