Oregon State University Now Offers “Fat Studies” Courses that Claim “Weightism” is a Civil Rights Issue

99.9% of the time, a person is overweight/obese due to lifestyle choices they've made. The claim that it is cheaper and more convenient for a person to consume processed foods rather than a fresh, balanced diet is absolutely false, even when you factor in the little extra effort it requires to prepare healthy meals yourself instead of going through the drive thru. Exercising and being active doesn't have to cost money, only dedication and a little sweat. The culture of fat acceptance that exists in the US is very concerning. Overweight people, particularly women, tend to assume that criticism they receive for being overweight has to do with vanity, rather than concern for their health. Just like most forms of leftist activism, the fat acceptance movement victimizes itself, and operates by aggressively insisting that it is possible to be obese and still live a normal, healthy life, a claim of which anyone with common sense knows is just not true. Doctors are being accused of 'bullying' overweight patients into losing weight, even though the patient may be at risk for developing heart disease and other terrible conditions. Irresponsible parents are allowing their children to become overweight by consuming obscene amounts of junk food and not staying active, which often results in cruel treatment by their peers, as well as childhood depression. It's not about deciding who's considered attractive and shaming those who aren't, it's about convincing people that they should give a crap about their health and take care of their body.

/r/Conservative Thread Link - thegatewaypundit.com