Why is r/politics essentially r/LateStageCapitalism?

I'm not here to summarize and argue those points; I'm just saying in a majority-liberal subreddit, contrary value statements are going to get downvoted while peer reviewed science is much more likely to get discussed.

Your entire comment is effectively dismissive of all Conservative positions because they aren't supported by science. My comment was not a straw man but your deflection is noted - it pretty completely demonstrates that, at best, the Liberals on this site also hold unscientific positions. The reason Conservative arguments are downvoted are because they "chafe against the liberal viewpoint" and nothing else. Trying to elevate the liberal hivemind on Reddit as something that only supports Science(TM) is laughable.

Altho assuming that most liberals are anti-vax got a chuckle out of me.

I've got some bad news for you. Conservatism is stronger predictor of accepting vaccines as effective.


/r/Conservative Thread Parent