How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism - White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.

They're worse.

The Fascists are responding in an unacceptable way to a valid threat (the one posed by the Left). That's how fascism historically gets started - as a defensive totalitarian mobilization in times of crisis. If the Left disappeared tomorrow, the Fascists would lose their strongest propaganda coup and raison d'etre.

What threat is the Left responding to? The bad old days of Pinkertons violently strikebreaking and union busting are long gone and have been for nearly a century. The American Left have not faced a valid threat since they decided to hop on the bandwagon of the Civil Rights Movement. That was 50-60 years ago. The only non-imaginary threat the Left faces are reactions to the threat they create by attacking everyone around them.

The Left has been going on the attack for a century. It's an offensive, not defensive, movement that continually attacks Western Civilization under the guise of combating imaginary threats and oppressors. Its real reason for existing, pretexts aside, is a fundamental opposition to the perceived "oppressive" foundations of Western Civilization. This includes what the author refers to as "the direct indictment of white people as a race".

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