ERICKSON: A Pyrrhic Victory

On top of that, Trump has made strategic miscalculations by assuming the congressional GOP presiding over a co-equal branch of government would be his water carriers. He has sabotaged all his good will on Capitol Hill, built up a trust deficit, and poured gasoline on already burning bridges.

As typical with Erickson he's making a fool of himself. Trump's biggest push was getting rid of Obamacare, an issue the GOP congress has run on for 8 years. However the GOP lied to us. They don't want to get rid of it. With traitors like that in congress how is that Trump burned his bridges? More like congress burned it's bridges with the GOP base and gave us the middle finger while walking out the door.

We've essentially got one party in Washington, the Democrat inner party with the Republican outer party that does the Democrats bidding in almost all things. You can't cut deals with a group that already has a super majority in congress. The only thing that's been restraining the GOP from passing everything the Democrats want is their fear of being found out. Well the cat's out of the bag now.

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