Communist Clubs Are Sprouting Up in U.S. High Schools Again

Nothing wrong in practice. We support free speech, unlike the left. We should absolutely expose kids to communism. Censoring it will only cause a backlash. It's just sad to see so many young people supporting a failed ideology. It's depressing to see how many of them like it, and usually without even doing the proper reading first.

The right will always win, sure. It just bothers me to know that the kids who don't grow out of this will become losers later in life.

Have you ever met a far-left adult? It's always the same thing. They work some shit job, they have a shit beard, 1-2 divorces under their belt, they're have eccentric friends and depression. They love edgy melancholic music, reading their books and mentally-masturbating with other members of their little circle. Oh, and they're addicted to cigarettes.

I've gotten to know some of these people personally. Trust me, outside of edgy students and blue-collar union workers, the lefty community is horrible and depressing. I legitimately feel sorry for them and sincerely hope less kids end up there.

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